Sunday, May 5, 2024

Strawberry Honey Butter - Heavenly

 Looking for something different and heavenly to slather on your toast, scone?  Try this fruit butter- Strawberry Honey Butter to be precise.  Thanks to my neighbours Jenn and Darrel for  taste testing my first batch!  And thank you to Ball for the recipe.

This recipe makes 4 x 250 ml jars


3 lbs    Strawberries, washed and hulled

3/4 cup Honey

3/4 cup. Sugar

1 tbsp    Bottled lemon juice

2 tsp      Vanilla

1/4 tsp    Salt


Purée strawberries n the bowl of your food processor until smooth.

Combine strawberry purée with the remaining ingredients in a deep pot set over medium heat.  Bring the mixture to a boil stirring frequently to prevent scorching.  Lower the heat and simmer until the mixture is very thick, about 60-90 minutes, stirring frequently.  Any foam produced by the strawberries will disappear with the cooking process.  Strawberry butter is finished cooking when it holds shape on a spoon.

Ladle the hot butter in hot canning jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace.  Remove air bubbles.  Wipe the rim of the jar and center the lid on the jar, apply the band and adjust to finger tip tight.  Place the jar in the steam canner.  Repeat for all the jars.

Process 10 minutes.  Turn off the heat, remove the lid carefully to avoid hot steam and let the jars stand for about five minutes before removing.  

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